Imagination is the birthplace of genius and the great ancestor of all human achievement.
You get in life what you think you deserve!
Baby Boys Bottoms
Les Brown
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What do you think you deserve? While everybody deserves the best, only a small ration of citizen enjoy such bounty. Why? Because they knew what they wanted, then created and worked their plan to get it. everybody freely deserves opportunities to merit and achieve. We all deserve an education. Deserving A's requires dedication and work.
When we think what we deserve we define what we want.
Four main reasons why a someone does not get what they "want"" and how to overcome them:
1- Low expectations, low self esteem. Self-image needs tweaking. Needs to think up↑. Then think higher! Yes I can! Compete with yourself. Set your own standards. See pg 10.
2- Too busy earning a living, feels trapped. Under what circumstances can this situation change. Winning the lotto? turn does not happen by itself. When we change, life changes. It isn't the chicken or egg first riddle.
3- Life goals are vague or uncertain. Lacks vision, passion and a plan. Yet wouldn't get into their car, without a specific destination and route in mind. Without a dream or principal other, has no incentive to get serious with life.
4- Lack of confidence, or drive. Needs to learn of, and apply proven success formulas; and a firm confidence all desires and dreams are achievable. Lazy and lethargic merit zip.
Whatever your current circumstances, there are hundreds of techniques you can apply to get what you deserve. The more of these techniques you use, the quicker you will achieve success. Many are quality of character principles.
But most importantly, expect to achieve classic results, by clearly visualizing your desires, dreams and destiny and vigorously pursuing them with an sufficient plan and policy of action. Without operation there cannot be success.
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Which is why I developed a unique visualization exercise, that allows you to tap into and associate your innermost desires, dreams and destiny, with a policy of operation to achieve them.
Chancing (action) influences the law of attraction.
People who don't take chances don't have any!
-A. Damsky
Welcome to my starter-kit for success and happiness. I'm delighted to pass along success techniques and methods, I learned and used, at a time when I was addicted to drugs and had to reach up to touch bottom. I think it was June, 1980, when I took a flight to Chicago, to attend the consumer Electronics show, hopeful for a opening to find a goods line, to recount in the Miami, Florida area, on a commission basis.
During the flight, I found myself wondering what in blazes I was doing on the plane. It had been years since I was in that line of firm and I categorically wasn't into working. Fears of being on an foreseen, journey and the dread of failure gave me the shakes.
To get my mind off those feelings, I began to read the airline's magazine. I happened upon an ad, for a set of audiocassettes, on success affirmations and techniques. I never before had any interest in, or insight of exactly what they were. The ad for the set of audiocassettes, "The strangest secret", by Earl Nightingale must have been terrific, because I was not one to buy by mail. Yet, I ordered the set, not even aware of the influences and consequences of opening and the law of attraction. I knew nothing of their existence. I'd soon ask..
Where have I been all my life?
-A. Damsky
Pg 4
I got lucky. The tapes arrived and I immediately became addicted to their empowering concepts. Locking myself in the bedroom, with earphones on and away from the kids, I listened over and over again. Day after day after day. I began to read all the books and listen to all the tapes that I was able to get. Within five years, applying the powers of dedication, perseverance, obvious affirmations and other success techniques, I became a millionaire.
And so can you!
By implementing my unique and facile visualization exercise, to tap into and associate your innermost desires, dreams, and destiny, along with a policy of operation to achieve them.
If you think you aren't capable, or talented sufficient to achieve your dreams, desires and destiny, please read on-
Dr. Robert Shuller asks... What great thing would you attempt, if you knew you could not fail? This is a trick question, to me, because if you cannot fail, it is not a great thing. But the attractiveness of this examine is that it dares you to tour straight through your mind's eye, to see your dreams.. Your ideas, your challenge.. Your ultimate desire. Pursue your dream and...
will be there for you.
Dr. Shuller
- everybody thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself." Leo Tolstoi
Pg 5
Exactly what is an idea? An idea is a vision, a dream, resulting from mental activity, of or for a (Potential) desired outcome... A goal.
I dream my painting, and then I paint my dream."
--Vincent Van Gogh
What is a challenge? A challenge is a decision to combine your abilities with specific actions, to achieve your goal.
Life is full of challenges...why not make your own?
-A. Damsky
"The golden opening you are seeking is in yourself.
It is not in your environment;
it is not in luck or chance,
or the help of others;
it is in yourself alone."
--Orison Swett Marden
Finding your passion straight through visualization.
Imagination is visualization.
Find a quiet place; close your eyes and for a few minutes, take deep relaxing breaths, in straight through your nose and out your mouth. When fully relaxed, visualize entering the magnificent palace of your mind, straight through huge solid gold doors, inscribed with your name and the words-
"My personal passions"
Passing straight through these gold doors, you see perched high on a pedestal, a ample treasure chest. It is beautiful, with abundant rich information and fine workmanship.
The chest and all it contains is yours!
Pg 6 Raise the cover; sense and enjoy the blissful glow that radiates upon you, from within.
In your treasure chest you see a large, splendidly tooled, leather bound book, inscribed in gold with your name and
"My book of Desires, dreams and destiny"
See your book of desires, dreams and destiny atop shimmering gold coins, gold bars, diamonds, rubies, precious objects of art and potent charms, with which to fulfill all manner of your personal desires and dreams.
Turn the cover and on exquisite rice paper, embellished with a gloriously embossed border of gold, royal purple and silver, is a picture of you, just born!
What does the caption below your picture say? What thoughts does your given name generate? What are your expectations, hopes and wishes for baby you? Ponder the miracle of yourself, allowing your mind to tour as freely as it may, for as long as you wish.
When you're ready, turn to the next page. It reads...
This is your book of visualizations.
all other pages in your book are blank.
Vividly Visualize upon each page
your deepest accomplished
desires, dreams, destiny and triumphs.
Visualize as many pages as you wish.
Your dreams and treasures are acquired
by transforming your visualizations
into reality, with enthralling affirmations
and a dedicated plan of action
Pg 7 unblemished your visualizations daily. It may take a few weeks for your visualizations to come into sharp focus. In the beginning your mind wanders and requires advice to concentrate. Stay the course. The mind is a wanderous device, yet extremely trainable. Indeed! It reads, speaks, thinks, dreams, plans and acts! You just tell it what to do!
And, What the mind believes- it can achieve. (N. Hill) contemplate your visualizations with deep feeling and detail, to decree which evokes the many enthusiasm and emotional fulfillment. Visualize with ultimate confidence and firm resolution that the attainment of your most fervent dreams and treasures are within your grasp, to achieve, to enjoy. Visualize successes, achievements and rewards.
Your mind moves nearly at the speed of light. Ideas are conceived, constructed and done in a mere flash. When your dominant dream becomes a burning desire, your mind sets in appeal a plan with a policy of action.
This one step -- selecting a goal and sticking to it -
changes everything."
--Scott Reed
Turning your idea to I dare!
Externalizing your dream. Your dream committed to paper is your plan. Your plan embraces intense enthusiasm, excitement, dedication, perseverance and a sequence of actions. It's your road map, with directions and a destination, to be written, spoken and visually repeated daily. Your quality to identify beneficial plan modifications, while attracting supporters and benefactors is a key element of success.
Don't let life discourage you; everybody who got
where he is had to begin where he was."
--Richard L. Evans
Pg 8 As a roadblock requires someone else route, but not turning back from your destination, your plan must anticipate the need to be flexible, yet steadfastly fixed upon your goal. Every exit out is but an entrance into- and opportunities cleverly disguised as stumbling blocks and problems are the contrast in the middle of failure and your great success.
The world's many inventor is- Ann Accident!
Be particular with whom you entrust your plans. Trust only those who believe in and maintain you. It is not all the time easy to see negative naysayers, from experienced good advice givers. Think the source. Think the motive.
Your friends stab you in the front!
--Oscar Wilde.
Get inspired to aspire!
Associate with successful, well-intentioned mentors. Read motivational books and watch videos. Pay attentiveness to success experts and apply their success ideas and methods accepted for your plan.
All the knowledge of the world is now at your fingertips. Never has there been a time when such a myriad of success methods, secrets, techniques and opportunities were ready to you. However, contrary to favorite belief, knowledge is not power! But...
... The Use of knowledge is!
Because, using knowledge requires action. Great ideas grow stale, wasting in the mind's catacombs of inaction.
You don't have to know anything- other than how to entrance information. Or hire someone who knows how to do what you want. Similarly as a plumber or mechanic. An ad agency, sales manager, shipping clerk, and so on.
Pg 9 during the time I was learning success secrets and techniques, a boy, about 15, who was hailed as a genius, was being interviewed on local Tv. They asked him about his keen abilities and he said.. " I don't think I'm a genius.. But I do think I'm a fast learner". I was so impressed I made it my No 1 rule. Think with a sharp mind and learn quickly. This is one "secret" I don't think you will see elsewhere. I call it speed listening and speed learning.
Also colse to that time a lot of emphasis was put on using Opm, (Other people's money) being a key success ploy. You don't see too much of that today... But you do see a lot of using Opw, other people's websites. Today, unprecedented opportunities abound for massive success, right from your home. Part time, full time, any time. For this, you need a computer with entrance to the internet. Get underway off the pads of your fingertips into cyberspace! But beware not to become a cyber potato!
Never Think the actions you take as sacrifices, but only as choices on your path to the success and fulfillment of your goals. For a child it may be crossing the street. Or dreaming to be a fireman. Astronaut. Explorer. Champion.
How lucky are they, born to ply their instinctual passion.
A, Damsky
Find your passion; live it - and you can be lucky too!
Imagination is the birthplace of genius. And the great ancestor of all human accomplishment. Sadly and too frequently, stifled by conformity and convention. Even at times by passive contentment. "Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these: "It might have been!" -- John Greenleaf Whittier
From Idea to I Dare!See Also : Jeans Womens Diaper Bags Boots for Women
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